Thursday, 2 August 2012

10 Days of pictures


In the next upcoming 10 days I am going to post a photo a day with no writing. I am allowed a title though. Todays is.......

Day 1 Something that smells good
Day 2 Something that tastes good
Day 3 Something that looks pretty
Day 4 Something that is soft
Day 5 Something that is hard
Day 6 Something that I don't like
Day 7 Something that I do every day
Day 8 Something that I have to do
Day 9 Something that is handmade
Day 10 Something where I have been

1 comment:

  1. ooh new background LUV IT!!
    Shabby blogs????
    and white fish luv it BTW for some reason my clock isn't worming anymore, Talk l8r
    Kisses, KitKat
